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To Install Huawei EC122 and EC167 Modems in MAC 10.7 Lion Needs Java Run Application Installed

Figure: MAC 10.7 Lion

When you insert the modem Huawei EC122 or Huawei EC167 into your MAC PC, you will get a icon name as "Zoom".

For older version of MAC like 10.6, there was no problem to install these modems. When you click on Zoom icon in MAC 10.7, it will ask you to install Javascript run application to execute the installation.

ZTE AC682 Modem Have Problem in Super Speed (SS) USB Port

You may face a problem that after installing the ZTE AC682 modem in Windows 7, you are getting error message to run the application. The message shows that the device not installed properly.

In such moment, if you check in Device Manager (My Computer> (right click) Properties> Device Manager), then you will find that modem are installed Ok, but there are two errors in port.

To solve the problem, check the USB Port name where the modem is inserted. If you find that this is a SS USB port, then try to insert the modem into a normal USB port.

If you do not find any normal USB port then, you can insert the modem into eSATA (USB Combo) port.

Different USB Categories 

USB 1.0/low speed has a 1.5 megabit per second data transfer rate
USB 1.1/full speed has a 12 megabit per second data transfer rate
USB 2.0/hi speed has a 480 megabit per second data transfer rate
USB 3.0/super speed will have a 5 gigabit per second data transfer rate
eSATA/ Hi-Speed USB (USB 2.0) × 1 or eSATA Port (USB combo)

ZTE AC682 Installation in Ubuntu, Guideline by ZTE

Install the Develop Package

Step 1: Insert AC682 into USB port, then you will see a new device appear named ”Zoom” on the
desktop as shown in Figure 1

(Figure 1 the CDROM named “Zoom”)

Step 2: Double-click CDROM icon “Zoom” to explore CDROM, then copy the file “” to desktop, as shown in Figure 2

(Figure 2 copy the linux develop package from CDROM)

Step 3: Click the ZIP file icon “” to extract to desktop, which as
shown in Figure 3.

(Figure 3 extract the linux develop package)

Step 4: Run the application program “Terminal” in system menu “Applications->Accessories”.
Shown as bleow Figure 4.
(Figure 4 enter Terminal)

Step 5: Execute the following commands strictly shown as below. Create a directory “zoom”, then
copy the program “modemon” to “zoom”, as shown in Figure5.
mkdir   zoom
cd   Desktop
cd   release
cp   –r   modem_application/*   ~/zoom

Run the following commands to check the file attribute of program “modemon”.
cd   ~/zoom
cd   modem_on
ls   -la   modemon

If it’s not an executable file, it will return “-rw--------”.Then you should execute “chmod”
command to set the file as executable.
chmod   u+x   modemon

When you use “ls” command to view an executable file, it shows as green color.

(Figure 5 copy “modemon” program to “zoom” directory)

Step 6: Execute following commands, copy ppp configuration files to directory “etc/ppp”, which is
shown in Figure 6.
sudo   –s
cd   Desktop
cd   release
cd   ppp_dialer_script_3D
cp   –r   ppp/*   etc/ppp

(Figure 6 copy the ppp configuration files to etc/ppp)

Modem Detection

Step 1: Click icon “CDROM”, and press “Eject” as Figure 7. This eject operation will change
AC682 from CDROM mode to modem mode.

(Figure 7 eject the CDROM)

Step 2: Execute the following commands to load USB driver for AC682 modem. Then you need to
check whether the USB driver is loaded successfully ,as shown in Figure8
sudo   -s
modprobe   usbserial   vendor=0x19D2   product=0xFFDD
ls   /dev/ttyUSB*

If the results show you like Figure 8, it means that USB driver has been loaded for AC682
modem successfully.

(Figure 8 use modprobe to load USB driver for device)

Setp 3: Execute the following commands to start up USB port of AC682 modem. If the modem is
opened successfully, there will be a prompt, as shown in Figure 9.
cd   zoom
cd   modem_on

We have installeded the “modemon” program in ~/zoom/modem_on directory.

(Figure 9 use modemon program to start USB port of device)

Dial-up Access

Step1: Execute the following commands, setup a dial-up connection as shown in Figure 10.
pppd call cdmadialer &

(Figure 10 use pppd command to setup dial-up connection)

Step2: Execute the following commands to check the status of internet connection. Please refer
to Figure 10.
tail   /var/log/syslog

Step3: Execute the following commands to disconnect network connection, refer to Figure 11.
killall pppd

(Figure 11 use killall pppd command to disconnect network connection)

Step4: When the internet connection is disconnected, you must run the modemon program once
again, as shown in Figure12.

(Figure 12 run modemon program once again)

PART2 ubuntu 8.04
Ubuntu 8.04 is similar with ubuntu 10.04 on AC682.
Here one problem is described when AC682 uses with ubuntu 8.04
When you insert the AC682 device into the USB port of PC which is run with ubuntu 8.04,
a CDROM named Zoom will be appeared on the desktop as shown in Figure 13.

(Figure 13 the CDROM named Zoom in ubuntu 8.04)

Because of the shortcoming (or bug) of ubuntu 8.04, you should not pull out AC682 device
from the computer directly before you eject it, otherwise, there will be one “dead device”
existed in the ubuntu 8.04 system. So if you insert AC682 device again, there will be
appeared another CDROM also named as Zoom, you will get two “Zoom” CDROM in the
File Browser as shown in Figure 14. In fact, one of them is a “dead device”.

(Figure 14 two “Zoom” CDROM in the File Browser)

To remove the “dead device”, one way is to restart the computer, another way is execute
“umount” command. First you should login into terminal with your linux account, and
Execute “df” command to list the device existed in the system as shown in Figure 15. If
you are sure which the “dead device” is, you should execute “umount” command to
remove it. The command in Figure 15 is:
umount /dev/scd1

(Figure 15 use umount command to remove the “dead” device)

When the AC682 device is appeared as a CDROM, if you want to pull it out in a right way,
the CDROM will be ejected before you pull it out as shown in Figure 16.In this way, there
will be no “dead device” in the system.

(Figure 16 eject the CDROM before you pull it out) - Banner advertising service